Rue Joseph Stevens 7 –  1000 Bruxelles

Summer Camp


Tsuruzo Miyamoto
Shihan – 8ème Dan aïkikaï

Centre Adeps "La Fraineuse"

Avenue Amédée Hesse 41


10:00 – 11:30 Aïkido
15:00 – 16:30 Aïkido

10:00 – 11:30 Aïkido

Entire Seminar : 150 € (140 €*)
1/2 Seminar : 100 € (90 €*)
1 Day : 35 € (30 €*)
1 Class (2h) : 20 € (15 €*)

*Paf présentation carte étudiant valide
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Inscription sur place. Licence-assurance valide obligatoire. Paiement possible par carte bancaire. Stage fédéral à partir de 12 ans. Un cours d’armes peut être dispensé durant le stage fédéral. Heures de stages comptabilisées pour les examens fédéraux.


Prochains stages

30 novembre
Stage Commission Junior
Stage Junior
19 janvier
Stage Commission Technique
Frédéric Ernould & Alex Walnier
Stage Commission Technique
1 février
Stage Junior Belgian Aikikai
Belgian Aikikai Junior

À propos de
Tsuruzo Miyamoto

Tsuruzo Miyamoto was born on March 30, 1953, on the island of Kyushu, Japan. He is an 8 Dan and one of the most respected Hombu Shihans at the moment.
At the age of 18, he entered the University of Fukuoka where he started doing Aikido under the Morito Suganuma Sensei who was already an important instructor in the Aikikai.

After graduating from the university Miyamoto had to make the choice of his life: get a job or pass on with the Aikido. This was a time when he joined his first Aikido seminar and seen Kisshomaru Ueshiba performing. He was so inspired that he asked Suganuma Sensei for permission to apply as uchi-deshi at Hombu Dojo, where he was accepted in April 1975. Tsuruzo learned from Kisshomaru and many others grands. You can find him serving as uke for the best of the best, like Doshu Chiba Sensei or Yamaguchi Sensei.

Miyamoto is an Aikikai Shihan,  IAFs Technical Council and is one of the most respected Aikido instructors in the world at the moment. During the Kagami Biraki 2016, he was awarded the 8th Dan by the third Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba along with the Jiro Kimura and Christian Tissier.


Fédération officielle d’aïkido en belgique

Associations & Partenaires

Seule fédération reconnue par le Ministère de la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles (CFWB).
Membre de l’Association Interfédérale du Sport Francophone (AISF).
Affiliée au Belgian Aikikai ASBL. Membre de la Fédération Internationale d’Aïkido (FIA), du Centre Mondial d’Aïkido au Japon (Hombu Dojo) et du
Comité Olympique et Interfédéral belge (COIB).

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    T. Miyamoto

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